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htmlutil.h File Reference


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void v_out_html (FILE *Fp_out, const TiXmlNode *XNp_source, unsigned u_level)
 Dumps an XML tree to an HTML document
This is a recursive function, called again at each element in the tree.

void v_levelize (int i_level, FILE *Fp_out=stdout, bool o_html=false)
 Generate some indentation on the HTML or file output.

Detailed Description

Yves Berquin HTML utilities for TinyXPath project

Function Documentation

void v_levelize int  i_level,
FILE *  Fp_out = stdout,
bool  o_html = false

Generate some indentation on the HTML or file output.

void v_out_html FILE *  Fp_out,
const TiXmlNode XNp_source,
unsigned  u_level

Dumps an XML tree to an HTML document
This is a recursive function, called again at each element in the tree.

Fp_out  Output HTML file
XNp_source  Input XML tree
u_level  Current level

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